01249 721558 or 07968 514420 info@forensiclean.co.uk

Our aim is to improve the living conditions of people dealing with hoarding. Forensiclean provide a complete service to enable independent living.

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Cluttered homes can be dangerous and represent a risk to the householder

How we can help

Forensiclean staff are experienced in dealing with issues around Hoarding within domestic properties. There are a number of reasons why such issues arise including physical and mental health, immobility and vulnerability. Our experienced team are sensitive to the needs of people with hoarding issues and work with hoarders to improve their living environment to ensure safe as possible conditions within their home surroundings.

Cluttered homes can be dangerous and represent a risk to the householder(s) and others. Forensiclean can help to remove the risk and dangers and restore the home to a clean state. This includes removal of any biohazardous animal or human waste. Every effort is made to deal with such instances sensitively to cause minimal disruption and distress to the householder(s)

Persons affected by hoarding issues can find the de-cluttering process upsetting and difficult. Our team are sensitive to the emotional impact that this can have on householders and will always work WITH them to deal with these issues with the customers best interests and comfort in mind.

Our friendly team develop working relationships with hoarders which are based on trust and understanding of the situation that they have come to find themselves in and will always offer the best support possible throughout the entire process.

Once the de-cluttering and deep clean process has been finalized, Forensiclean can offer additional services such as re-decoration and renovation work where required or desired.

When dealing with Hoarding issues we are a ‘one-stop shop’ to return a property back to safe, clean and pleasant habitable property once again.

Over the years Forensiclean has dealt with numerous vulnerable people who have been affected by hoarding issues that has made their home environment unmanageable and, in some cases, unsafe for habitation. 

Hoarding can also represent a significant fire risk to the occupants of a property as well as surrounding homes.

Our aim is to improve the living conditions of people dealing with hoarding and Forensiclean provide a complete service to enable independent living.

Forensiclean also have access to replacement furniture at low cost to further enhance the home.

Our clients

Who we work for

Get in touch

© Forensiclean Ltd

Forensiclean, 62 West Street,
Chippenham,SN15 5EH

Enquiries /Quotes : info@forensiclean.co.uk
Office Tel No: 01249 721558